Zippo Mag Strike
Elite Outdoor Gear are an authorised dealer of all Zippo products within Australia.
All products sold through Elite Outdoor Gear are covered by Zippo's manufacturer warranty.
$56.95 Original price was: $56.95.$39.95Current price is: $39.95.
Unleash a spark like no other. The ferrocerium rod and striker deliver a shower of sparks to light your fire wherever and whenever. Its textured grip, solid triangular body and the ultra-sharp blade allow you to strike with more precision and firepower to ignite every adventure.
- 5/16″ ferrocium rod; Corrosion-resistant rod coating
- Snap-lock closure; Triangular shape with textured grip
- 420 stainless steel striker blade with sharpened edge
- Reusable ABS plastic construction
- Shielded internal chamber; Moulded lanyard hole
- Hard blade with precision-cut edge delivers maximum spark shower
- Protects striker blade and magnesium rod from the elements
- Provides maximum grip & spark leverage in cold weather or with gloves on
- Produces more sparks with less force
- Extended rod length provides controlled striking & spark accuracy
- Provides long-lasting performance
- Reusable, durable, & lightweight
- Provides attachment points for use in pocket, go-bag, or on-pack
- Height:10.922cm
- Width:2.54cm
- Depth:2.54cm
- Weight: 100g
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