Zero Tolerance 0022 – 1.8″ CPM-S45VN Blade, Carbon Fibre and Titanium Handles, Frame Lock
Elite Outdoor Gear are an authorised dealer of all Zero Tolerance products within Australia.
All products sold through Elite Outdoor Gear are covered by Zero Tolerance's manufacturer warranty.
$449.95Original price was: $449.95.$340.27Current price is: $340.27.
This is the smallest, most compact ZT ever made. It’s also an impressive piece of engineering. Designed by Tim Galyean, its total length is just over 12cm and it weighs only 50g. The 4.9cm clip-point blade is ready, willing, and able to take on just about any task. An added striking feature, is the titanium trim ring around the pivot and tube spacer which are anodised in blue.
Made in the USA
Under 2-inch blade; CPM S45VN blade steel for exceptional toughness, corrosion resistance, and edge retention
Carbon fiber front scale, titanium back with frame lock for secure blade lockup during use
Though small, the 0022 is designed for hand comfort with deep finger contours to ensure a good grip
Titanium trim ring around pivot and titanium tube spacer are anodised in blue and add visual interest to this mighty mini
Please note that older models use CPM 20CV blade steel. Current production models are built with CPM S45VN blade steel.
Out of Stock. Available on back-order
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