Spyderco Tenacious Lightweight – 3.39″ Black 8Cr13MoV Blade, Black FRN Handle – C122PBBK
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$149.95Original price was: $149.95.$109.95Current price is: $109.95.
The Spyderco Tenacious Lightweight proudly offers all the features and benefits that define a Spyderco knife in a budget-friendly package. The Tenacious has long been the centrepiece of Spyderco Value Folder line. The Tenacious Lightweight raises the bar even further, replacing the original G-10 scales with injection-moulded fibre glass-reinforced nylon (FRN) that reduces the knife’s weight by almost 12 percent and adds the extreme grip security of Spyderco’s Bi-Directional Texture™ pattern.
For tactical end users, this version of this lightweight powerhouse adds a low-profile black-oxide blade coating and matching black-coated hardware and clip.
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