Spyderco Tenacious – 3.39″ Satin 8Cr13MoV Blade, Black G10 handle – CC122GBBKP
Elite Outdoor Gear are an authorised dealer of all Spyderco products within Australia.
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$169.95 Original price was: $169.95.$124.95Current price is: $124.95.
Being tenacious means holding fast in tireless pursuit of a goal. This admirable quality is vividly reflected in the Spyderco Tenacious, a mid-sized folding knife packed with both performance and value. Its leaf-shaped blade is full-flat ground from 8Cr13MoV stainless steel and cloaked in a stealthy, non-reflective black coating. The fully accessible Trademark Round Hole allows for ambidextrous one-handed operation.
The G-10 handle’s full, skeletonised stainless steel liners are the heart of its sturdy LinerLock mechanism and the foundation for non-slip, textured scales. A four-position, black-coated pocket clip provides the option of tip-up or tip-down carry on both sides of the body and straddles a lined lanyard hole that allows the easy attachment of fobs and lanyards.
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4 left in stock.
Milo (verified owner) –
This is the first knife I bought and I am super impressed. Was introduced to spyderco from a sibling and the Tenatious really does live up to the spyderco name. The g10 grip and fabulous ergos makes this knife a wonder to hold. Although the steel is a bit lower grade than other higher tier knives it still cuts well and came super sharp. Great purchase, shipping was super quick. Glad you stock this one eliteoutdoorgear!
Daryl Tng (verified owner) –
I love the tactical look of this knife when i held it in my hands for the first time. It has a nice weight to it. One thing that I really love about this knife is the useful pocket clip.
Kirsten (verified owner) –
Amazing quality! Very sharp, exceptionally well made and very comfortable hold!