Spyderco Tenacious – 3.39″ Satin 8Cr13MoV Blade, Black G10 Handle – CC122GP
Elite Outdoor Gear are an authorised dealer of all Spyderco products within Australia.
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$159.95 Original price was: $159.95.$119.95Current price is: $119.95.
Being tenacious means holding fast in tireless pursuit of a goal. This admirable quality is vividly reflected in the Spyderco Tenacious, a mid-sized folding knife packed with both performance and value. Its leaf-shaped blade is full-flat ground from 8Cr13MoV stainless steel and has a fully accessible Trademark Round Hole for ambidextrous one-handed operation.
The G-10 handle’s full, skeletonised stainless steel liners are the heart of its sturdy LinerLock mechanism and the foundation for non-slip, textured scales. A four-position pocket clip provides the option of tip-up or tip-down carry on both sides of the body and straddles a lined lanyard hole that allows the easy attachment of fobs and lanyards.
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2 left in stock.
James (verified owner) –
very good
Robert Edwards (verified owner) –
Happy with this knife, I use it everyday at work. Stays sharp and is comfortable to use. Highly recommended.
Rod (verified owner) –
This is my second Spyderco Tenacious and I would definitely recommend this knife. I use it camping, hiking, bush craft, and any general purpose use. Easy to clean, comes sharp and holds its edge. Grip is good, and well balanced.