Spyderco Shaman – 3.58″ Black Stonewashed CPM S30V Blade, Matte Black G10 Handle – C229GPBK
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$529.95 Original price was: $529.95.$459.95Current price is: $459.95.
Drawing inspiration from their iconic Native® folding knife, the Shaman offers the same advanced ergonomics and proven design dynamics in a larger, even more capable format. The soul of this impressive design is its CPM® S30V® stainless steel blade, which features a full-flat grind for outstanding edge geometry and an acute, utilitarian point. A fully accessible Trademark Round Hole™ proudly announces its Spyderco lineage and ensures swift, reliable, one-handed opening with either hand.
The black stonewash-finished blade is housed in an exceptionally refined, ergonomic handle built with nested skeletonised stainless steel liners and contoured matte-finished G-10 scales. This robust construction forms the foundation of the knife’s high-strength Compression Lock® mechanism, which locks the blade securely open and allows safe, easy one-handed closing.
To ensure convenient carry and immediate access, a stonewashed four-position pocket clip offers left or right-side, tip-up or tip-down carry.
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