Spyderco Para Military 2 – Left Hand – 3.45″ Satin CPM-S45VN Blade, Black G10 Handle – C81GPLE2
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$429.95Original price was: $429.95.$329.95Current price is: $329.95.
The Spyderco Para Military 2, hands down one of Spyderco’s most popular and in-demand models, is now available in a purpose-designed left-handed version.
Like the best-selling right-handed Para Military 2, this version features a full-flat-ground CPM S45VN stainless steel blade with an oversized Trademark Round Hole that is fully accessible for swift, ambidextrous, one-handed opening. The blade is housed in a handle constructed with stainless steel liners nested within durable textured G-10 scales. This pocket-friendly style of construction results in a slimmer profile and allows an open-backed design that reduces weight and simplifies cleaning and maintenance. It is also the foundation of the knife’s Compression Lock mechanism, which in this knife is specifically engineered for left-handed operation. This “mirror-image” version of the Compression Lock provides the same trustworthy strength and ease of operation but is specifically configured for left-handed use.
The left-handed Para Military 2 also features a four-position pocket clip that supports tip-up or tip-down carry on both sides of the body. A generously sized lined lanyard hole at the butt end of the handle completes the package, allowing the easy attachment of fobs, lanyards, and safety lines.
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