Spyderco Para 3 – 2.93″ Satin CPM-S45VN Blade, Digital Camo G10 Handle – C223GPCMO
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$419.95Original price was: $419.95.$314.95Current price is: $314.95.
Inspired by the iconic Para Military 2, the Para 3 distills all the features of that best-in-class folding knife into a more compact, carry-friendly package. For military end users or those who prefer a tactical look to their knives, this version of the Para 3 boasts camouflage-patterned textured G-10 scales that approximate the pattern of the U.S. Army’s ARPAT camouflage. The scales are precision machined to contain nested stainless steel liners that are the foundation of the knife’s high-strength Compression Lock mechanism.
On the business end, this knife features a full-flat-ground CPM S45VN stainless steel blade with a PlainEdge cutting edge and a fully accessible Trademark Round Hole for quick, ambidextrous, one-handed opening. To keep the knife ready for immediate access, it includes a four-position clip that can be configured for left or right-side tip-up or tip-down carry.
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