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$389.95Original price was: $389.95.$309.95Current price is: $309.95.
Jonathan McNees is a veteran US Marine and an avid outdoorsman whose real-world knife-using experience shines through in all his custom designs. His ultra-compact McBee folder, based on his popular “Killer B” model, proves that function is a matter of design, not size. Crafted from CTS-XHP, its sabre-ground Wharncliffe blade offers both scalpel-like precision and impressive cutting power, as well as true one-hand-opening capability via its Trademark Round Hole. The stonewashed blade is matched to a sturdy Reeve Integral Lock (R.I.L.) built into one of the handle’s solid titanium scales. A right-side, tip-up pocket clip and a lined lanyard hole guarantee convenient carry while stippled accents on the pivot screws and handle replicate McNees’ signature style.
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