Spyderco Manix 2 – 3.37″ Satin CPM-S30V Blade, Black G10 Handle – C101GP2
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$359.95 Original price was: $359.95.$279.95Current price is: $279.95.
The Spyderco Manix 2 is a dependable, all-purpose folding knife that showcases Spyderco’s Made-in-USA quality and patented Ball Bearing Lock. Its broad blade is precision machined from Crucible’s premium CPM S30V particle metallurgy stainless steel and features a full-flat grind for an exceptional balance of edge geometry and strength. Matching areas of jimping (textured grooves) on the thumb ramp and the index-finger choil complement the handle’s refined ergonomics to offer an amazingly secure, comfortable grip.
Constructed with full stainless steel liners, a stainless steel back spacer, and textured black G-10 scales, the Manix 2’s handle is home to a high-strength Ball Bearing Lock mechanism. One of Spyderco’s strongest, smoothest operating lock mechanisms, it consists of a hardened steel ball bearing encased in a polymer cage. When the knife is opened, a plunger drives the ball bearing forward onto a ramp on the blade, wedging it securely open. Pulling back on the cage releases the lock and allows the blade to pivot smoothly closed. Both opening and closing are easily performed with either hand and without ever placing your fingers near the blade’s edge.
To ensure instant access and ease of carry, the Manix 2 includes a reversible hourglass clip that supports left or right-side tip-up carry. It complements the blade’s Trademark Round Hole and lock mechanism to make every aspect of the knife’s carry, deployment, and operation completely ambidextrous
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Nick (verified owner) –
Beautiful knife, been wanting a Manix 2 for a while now, not to mention the outstanding postage service. Incredibly fast!
Thank you!