Spyderco Grasshopper – 2.27″ Sandvik C12C27 Blade, Stainless Steel Handle – C138
Elite Outdoor Gear are an authorised dealer of all Spyderco products within Australia.
All products sold through Elite Outdoor Gear are covered by Spyderco's manufacturer warranty.
$79.95 Original price was: $79.95.$69.95Current price is: $69.95.
Spyderco’s micro-sized slipjoints are fully functional, impressively sharp, folding knives that are very much at home on a keychain. Their stainless steel handles are the perfect palette for engraving or other embellishment and their Trademark Round Holes are much more user friendly than traditional nail nicks.
The Grasshopper’s size is closest to that of a true penknife with its blade over two-inches. Its PlainEdge Sandvik 12C27 stainless steel blade stays open when you’re cutting, held by resistant pressure at the knife’s pivot area. Grasshopper handles are chamfered with no squared-off edges to dig or bite into a gripping hand. The handle is also stainless steel with a laser engraved Spyderco bug and enough blank area for a small amount of engraving or customisation as jewelry or a gift item. Handle lanyard-hole welcomes a chain for wear around a neck or a keychain.
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