Elite Outdoor Gear are an authorised dealer of all Spyderco products within Australia.
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$264.95Original price was: $264.95.$198.95Current price is: $198.95.
The Dragonfly has been a mainstay of the Spyderco product line for decades and still sets the standard when it comes to packing serious cutting performance into the smallest possible package. The latest evolution of this remarkable design combines all the proven qualities of the lightweight Dragonfly 2 with a vibrant pink fibreglass reinforced-nylon (FRN) handle and a blade crafted from American-made CPM-S30V stainless steel. Its symmetrical design, fully accessible Trademark Round Hole, sturdy back lock, and reversible deep-pocket wire clip also make it ideal for both right and left-handed users. This version of the Dragonfly 2 adds a rich, black titanium carbonitride (TiCN) coating to its full-flat-ground CPM-S30V blade and tucks it into a stunning pink FRN handle. To accentuate the contrasting colour theme, the lock bar, pocket clip, and all other handle hardware also have black coatings.
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Sonic (verified owner) –
Great product and very fast delivery.