Elite Outdoor Gear are an authorised dealer of all Spyderco products within Australia.
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$172.95Original price was: $172.95.$142.95Current price is: $142.95.
The Spyderco Dragonfly 2 features a mid-sized blade and ergonomic handle along with a front-finger choil and spine cusp.The blade-to-handle geometry and leveraging points make the Dragonfly cut and feel like a much larger knife when in the hand. It has a left/right tip-up wire clip, patented Bi-Directional Texturing on the handle, choil and spine jimping, and screw together handle construction. The blade is premium VG-10, in a high-performance flat-grind. The position of the enlarged Spyderco Round Opening Hole in relation to the pivot leads to smooth opening and the FRN (fibreglass reinforced nylon) handle fits the hand ergonomically with a series of grip angles and leveraging spots. This model has unique hand-dyed Zome-style (pronounced “zoh-may”) Camo scales. Inspired by traditional Japanese hiki-zome (brush dyeing) techniques, the FRN handles are moulded in a light base colour and then individually hand dyed by expert Japanese artisans. No two of these knives are alike. Various colours of dye are hand brushed onto the handle to create distinctive patterns. These dyes completely permeate and permanently colour the FRN.
Out of Stock. Available on back-order
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1 review for Spyderco Dragonfly 2 – 2.28″ Satin VG-10 Blade, Zome Green FRN Handle – C28ZFPGR2
Rated 5 out of 5
André McDuling (verified owner)–
I’ve had a very limited run of Spyderco in my collection, but I really like the Dragonfly. I have large hands but have had no problem getting a good grip on this brilliant little knife – the grip configuration and choil placement provides excellent control. The blade size and shape is great for delicate work but I have put it to work breaking down boxes and I’m impressed! A great little knife, I can see what the fuss is about! Thanks Elite Outdoor Gear for not only stocking them but also a speedy delivery.. Five stars all round.
André McDuling (verified owner) –
I’ve had a very limited run of Spyderco in my collection, but I really like the Dragonfly. I have large hands but have had no problem getting a good grip on this brilliant little knife – the grip configuration and choil placement provides excellent control. The blade size and shape is great for delicate work but I have put it to work breaking down boxes and I’m impressed! A great little knife, I can see what the fuss is about! Thanks Elite Outdoor Gear for not only stocking them but also a speedy delivery.. Five stars all round.