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$209.95Original price was: $209.95.$169.95Current price is: $169.95.
The Delica4 Lightweight model has a full-flat ground VG-10 blade with a thinner highly refined cutting edge and a larger 13mm opening hole. Added to the blade’s spine is slip resistant jimping. The FRN (fibreglass reinforced nylon) handle’s surface is moulded with Bi-Directional Texturing for slip-free tactile traction. Inside the handle are dual skeletonised stainless steel liners which strengthen the knife without additional weight and double as an anchor for external and internal components to attach through generating more sturdiness and rigidity. Phosphor bronze washers smooth out the open/close action and the clip is upgraded to a four-way tip-up, tip-down, left-or right-handed clip.
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2 reviews for Spyderco Delica 4 Lightweight – 2.9″ Satin VG-10 Blade, Black FRN Handle – C11FPBK
Rated 5 out of 5
Daniel (verified owner)–
absolutely outstanding knife, awesome for EDC.
lightweight, great action. couldn’t be happier with my purchase.
super fast shipping and great communication, will definitely be purchasing from here again
Rated 5 out of 5
Adam Vincent (verified owner)–
Great knife, small and light enough to have in your pocket without noticing it but still capable of doing most jobs you need a knife for.
Daniel (verified owner) –
absolutely outstanding knife, awesome for EDC.
lightweight, great action. couldn’t be happier with my purchase.
super fast shipping and great communication, will definitely be purchasing from here again
Adam Vincent (verified owner) –
Great knife, small and light enough to have in your pocket without noticing it but still capable of doing most jobs you need a knife for.