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$279.95Original price was: $279.95.$239.95Current price is: $239.95.
This Spyderco Delica 4 knife has blue fibreglass reinforced nylon (FRN) scales, which is a distinguishing feature of Spyderco knives which are constructed with K390 steel. The K390 blade on this Delica 4 is flat ground, and features spine jimping that extends from the ramp to the top of the handle. The Spyderco original thumb hole on the blade allows ambidextrous one-hand opening for right or left handers and the phosphor bronze washers at the pivot make the blade action smooth. The lightweight FRN handle has skeletonised stainless steel liners and a strong back lock mechanism. The handle features screw construction for quick, simple cleaning and adjustment. The FRN scales utilise Spyderco’s patented Bi-Directional Texturing, ensuring a secure grip under pressure. The pocket clip is 4-way reversible for tip-up/down and left/right carry.
Please note: K390 is a high-performance, non-stainless steel that can rust if cared for improperly. Always make sure to clean and dry the blade after use, and apply oil or other rust-inhibiting products if required.
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Manufactured by Bohler-Uddeholm, K390 MICROCLEAN is a state-of-the-art cold work tool steel produced by the particle metallurgy process. Its advanced alloy mix was specifically developed to provide the extreme wear resistance and high compressive strength needed in industrial cutting, blanking, and punching operations. Despite its toughness, its exceptionally fine, homogeneous microstructure also makes it readily machinable and easy to heat treat. Collectively, these qualities make K390 an outstanding blade material for true steel connoisseurs.
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