
SOL Stoke Folding Field Knife

Elite Outdoor Gear are an authorised dealer of all SOL products within Australia.
All products sold through Elite Outdoor Gear are covered by SOL's manufacturer warranty.

(1 customer review)

Original price was: $79.95.Current price is: $69.95.

The SOL Stroke folding knife is included with three tools into the one. The blade is constructed from a high-grade, satin-finished 420 stainless steel 9.3 cm blade. This blade is a combo blade, with a serrated blase used for rope cutting and a plain edge point for finer cutting. Once the blade is folded, it is secured into a liner lock mechanism.

This field knife has the ability to create a fire; by striking the blade on the flint fire starter, the tinder cord lanyards waxed cotton core ignites. A confident and comfortable grip is guaranteed with a non-slip PP/TPR handle. This knife can be compacted won to the sturdy riveted holster which can attack to your pack or belt during any adventure.

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SKU: 0140-1022 Categories: , , , , ,



Length: 20.13 cm

Weight: 150.26 grams

  • Includes a 9.3 cm high grade, satin-finished 420 stainless steel blade which easily opens and closes with a secure liner lock system in place.
  • Equipped with the ability to start a fire with the included tinder cord lanyard and flint fir starter.
  • Fitted into a riveted sturdy belt holster which not only protects the blade but provides storage when in transportation also.
  • Confidence is guaranteed with performance due to the non-slip grip handle. (PP/TPR textured secure gripping)

Additional information

Weight 0.150 kg

1 review for SOL Stoke Folding Field Knife

  1. Simon Papas (verified owner)

    The classical design of the blade & the handle is beautiful. If you misplace the knife, the bright orange handle makes it easy to find. I am so pleased that it does not have a belt clip to dig into the palm of my hand. The sturdy riveted holster is a practical way to carry the knife & the flint fire starter. The lanyard as a tinder cord is new to me.
    I ❤️ this knife. Simon.

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