
SOL Escape Bivvy Lite

Elite Outdoor Gear are an authorised dealer of all SOL products within Australia.
All products sold through Elite Outdoor Gear are covered by SOL's manufacturer warranty.

Original price was: $114.95.Current price is: $99.95.

You want to go ‘Light and Fast’ but you need a backcountry shelter that breathes. The SOL Escape Lite™ Bivvy was developed especially for you!

Constructed with our proprietary Escape fabric and with a minimalist design the Escape Lite™ weighs in at only 155g and packs incredibly small. The proprietary fabric lets moisture escape at the same time that it keeps the elements such as snow and wind on the outside – all while reflecting your body heat back to you.

The Escape Lite™ is no one-trick pony either, use it as a liner to enhance the warmth of your traditional sleeping bag, as an ultra-light weight summer bag or as an emergency bivvy. Now you really can go further and explore longer!

Dimensions: 208cm x 81cm

Weight: 155g

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3 left in stock.

$7.95 standard shipping
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2yr warranty
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Aus Post Delivery Estimates
State Express Standard
VIC 1 business day 2 business days
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SKU: 0140-1227 Categories: , , , , ,
Escape Lite Bivvy - Survive Outdoors Longer



  • A bivvy that BREATHES, keeping you dry from the inside out
  • Highly weather resistant
  • Reflects 70% of your body heat to keep you warm and alive!
  • Versatile, can be used as a sleeping bag liner, emergency bivvy or as an ultra-light summer bag
  • Lightweight and compact
  • The Escape Lite™ sheds weight from your load and takes up little space in your pack

Additional information

Weight .155 kg


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