
Silky Katanaboy 650mm Professional Folding Saw

Elite Outdoor Gear are an authorised dealer of all Silky products within Australia.
All products sold through Elite Outdoor Gear are covered by Silky's manufacturer warranty.

(6 customer reviews)

Original price was: $534.95.Current price is: $514.95.

The 650mm long Katanaboy is a seriously good addition to your kit- whether on the land, out in the bush, or clearing the back yard of unwanted, over-large branches or logs. This is 1.2 kilos of extra large teeth with a long rubber double grip handle, and comes with a tough carry bag.

  • Named after the famous Japanese Katana sword, this is the ultimate bush saw.
  • Longer, thicker blade and longer handle than the 500 mm Katanaboy
  • Extra large teeth
  • Extremely sharp, highest quality manufacture made in Ono Japan
  • Thumb screw locking mechanism
  • Great for over-large branches or logs
  • 1.2 kilos in weight
  • Extra large teeth
  • Blade 650 mm long
  • Long rubber double grip handle

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2 left in stock.

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SKU: 710-65 Categories: , , ,
Katanaboy 650mm: Worlds Longest, Powerful Folding Saw


  • Great for over-large branches or logs
  • 1.2 kilos
  • Extra large teeth
  • Blade 650 mm long
  • Long rubber double grip handle
  • Named after the famous Japanese Katana sword
  • Comes with the tough carry bag
  • Thumb screw locking mechanism.
  • Compared to the 500 mm Katanaboy, it has a longer, thicker blade and longer handle
  • Highest quality manufacturing, made in Ono Japan.


Additional information

Weight .95 kg

6 reviews for Silky Katanaboy 650mm Professional Folding Saw

  1. craig mccoy (verified owner)

    The Silky 650 saw is a well designed machine. It easily cuts firewood and is always reliable versus my chainsaws. Yes it takes longer than a chainsaw but you’re also getting fitter and it’s quite therapeutic. Great piece of kit for travellers and property owners.

  2. Andy (verified owner)

    Outstanding Custoner Service.

    I ordered and paid for this device many months before and awaited an update when it arrived back in stock.

    I had seen this gear used by a few contestants on the Alone TV series and was impressed with what they were able to do. Many outdoor professionals promote this brand and this model as the be all and do all.

    I knew I would have to wait and was quite prepared to wait til next year. shipping many items around the world has been difficult due to certain viruses and wars.

    So it was great to get someone keeping me up to date!!

    Customer Service right there with your guy Harrison who followed it up for me.

    “Hi Andy,

    Thank you for your email and apologies that i have taken so long to get back to you. I have been following up with Silky Saws here in Australia to get a solid ETA for you, we currently have a shipment on the way that was sent last week and should be here this week but i am just waiting on tracking and invoice to know what saws were able to be shipped. I’ll let you know as soon as i hear back which will hopefully be today. Otherwise please let me know if at this time your would prefer a refund. Thank you so much for your understanding in regards to this extended delay.

    Thank you

    Feel free to email if you have any further questions.”

    Definately didnt want a refund.

    The gear arrived a short while after and is absolutely exactly what I hoped for. I recently had a heart attack and go bush a lot. so this hand held chainsaw will help me cut what I need a lot faster and a lot easier than my smaller folding handsaws.

    Thanks Team, and especially Harrison who followed up for me and got that baby home!!

  3. Chris (verified owner)

    This thing is freaking amazing. It’s significantly lighter than expected which is nice. The pull saw design allows for a thinner blade, which means lower weight and less effort expended while sawing. My main motivation for buying was for collecting firewood without the noise and fuss of a chainsaw. I’ve since used it to cut up an entire spotted gum tree which fell over recently into firewood sized lengths. The largest trunk section was about 40cm. If you’re not using a chainsaw, you’re going to burn a lot of calories doing that no matter what you use, but I can definitely say I’d rather use the Katanaboy 650 than any other saw or axe I’ve laid my hands on.

    The ergonomics of using a pull saw take a little getting used to if you’ve used push saws your whole life, but once your body gets used to it you can really fly through the timber. While it is *possible* to cut flimsy, smaller branches with it, the aggressive teeth do like to bite in so whatever you’re cutting needs to be well braced.
    If you’re not likely to be doing logs larger than 30cm, the smaller Katanaboy 500 would probably be a saner choice. That said, I’m really glad I shelled out the extra and got the larger 650.

    Elite Outdoor shipped it to me quickly and well packaged, and I’ll certainly be coming back in future for my outdoor needs.

  4. Johan van der Velde (verified owner)

    What a beautiful piece of engineering! With the pull-saw design, it cuts through pine like a hot knife through butter, and it’s just as brutal with Eucalypt. It’s the chain saw you want when you don’t want to annoy the neighbours. All SES volunteers should be issued with one…light-weight, ergonomic, no fuel to carry and gives precise cutting.

  5. Jarel (verified owner)

    Fantastic saw to bring camping and/or for survivalists/preppers. I do hobby woodworking out in the bush and didn’t want to bring a chainsaw, so I bought this and it’s been great. It cuts through large and hard dead trees a lot faster and easier than I expected, and the cuts are surprisingly very clean.

    It also feels lighter than I expected and is very easy to tote around in the carry bag, which has a strap on the back and extra pocket (I assume for spare blades). This is the largest one person saw I’ve seen that’s capable of easily cutting through logs large enough to build a cabin with, and it’s very well made (as expected from Silky).

    The handle has a durable rubber feel with raised grip bumps so it’s easy to work with even in wet conditions, with or without gloves.

    This was exactly the saw I was looking for and has lived up to my expectations for the price.

  6. Tim (verified owner)

    It’s the chainsaw that never needs refuelling, an absolute must have for the serious camper, bushcraft enthusiasts and 4WD adventurer.
    If you’re a ‘Prepper’ this should be on your list, it’s lightweight and compact enough to slip into your Bugout Bag and you won’t even notice it’s there but in SHTF you’ll be glad it is.

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