Schrade Old Timer Frontier Fixed Blade 131OTF + Leather/Injection Moulded Pouch
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$94.95 Original price was: $94.95.$74.95Current price is: $74.95.
The Frontier® Fixed Blade pocket knife combines timeless traditional design with modern engineering. Its vintage look captures Old Timer’s® renowned craftsmanship, while the rugged and full tang design, and unique leather/injection moulded sheath make it unique. Experience the perfect blend of nostalgia and innovation with every time you reach for your 131OTF Fixed Blade.
- 7Cr17 steel is designed to be corrosion-resistant and easy to sharpen
- Synthetic Wood with a realistic grain pattern for a more luxurious look and feel
- Traditional Fixed Blade combines an old-school look and a new-school feel
- Two-tone sheath featuring leather with an injection moulded insert, combining traditional and modern
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