OrcaTorch SD03 Four-Colour Dive Beacon Light
Elite Outdoor Gear are an authorised dealer of all OrcaTorch products within Australia.
All products sold through Elite Outdoor Gear are covered by OrcaTorch's manufacturer warranty.
$89.95 Original price was: $89.95.$69.95Current price is: $69.95.
Waterproof to 100 metres, the OrcaTorch SD03 dive beacon light can produce four colours, each with constant and flash modes. Both colour and mode can be chosen by rotating the body. It is waterproof to a depth of 100 metres, with a runtime of up to 250 hours, and can be used as an underwater or outdoor signal light, dive backup torch, outdoor regular light, etc. Its shell is made of plastic which provides good light penetration.
- 4 single colours and 8 modes integrated in one light (White, Green, Blue, Red – Constant and Flashing)
- Compatible with 1x AA battery or 1x 14500 rechargeable battery (1x AA battery included)
- Non-slip and comfortable silicone ring
- The tail D-ring can be used more easily with lanyard
- Practical and convenient mode memory function
- Plastic transparent shell with enhanced light guide performance
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