Ontario Knife Co. ADK Keene Valley Hunter – 3.7″ Satin Drop Point Fixed Blade, Multicoloured Micarta Handles with Leather Pouch 8188
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$229.95Original price was: $229.95.$184.95Current price is: $184.95.
The Keene Valley in the Adirondack Mountains of New York State is known as the gateway to the High Peaks and the communities of the valley which supply many of the local hunting guides. The ADK hunters are named for the long hunting, trapping, and fishing tradition that is associated with the Adirondack Mountains. This fixed blade hunting knife has durable multicolour micarta scales, giving an attractive camouflage effect (each piece is unique), and a comfortable, stable grip. The flat ground blade has a superior cutting/slicing geometry perfectly designed for skinning large game but also has a profile that is ideal for any cutting application. The knife is complemented by a high-quality brown leather sheath.
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