MCC1 USB magnetic cable: The cable delivers up to 1A charging current. Cable length: 19.69in/ 0.5m/ 1.64ft
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Original price was: $19.95.$16.95Current price is: $16.95.
MCC1 USB magnetic cable: The cable delivers up to 1A charging current. Cable length: 19.69in/ 0.5m/ 1.64ft
Suitable for Baton 3, Baton Pro, Perun mini,Perun 2 mini, Perun 2,Seeker 2 Pro, Seeker 2, Obulb, Obulb MC, Obulb Pro, Obulb Pro S,Obulb Plus, Warrior X, H1R, H2R, M2R, Arkfeld, Arkfeld UV, Javelot mini, Javelot Tac, Sigurd, Marauder mini, S1R, S1R II, S2R, S2R II, S30R II, S30R III, PL-Pro, Array, Baldr Pro R.
If this item is out of stock, a suitable replacement for the MCC1A is the MCC3, this is the latest iteration of the MCC series with a maximum charging output of 3A for compatible torches. This will charge all existing MCC1A compatible torches at their 1A rate.
Out of Stock. Available on back-order
MCC1 USB magnetic cable: The cable delivers up to 1A charging current. Cable length: 19.69in/ 0.5m/ 1.64ft
Weight | .2 kg |
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