Olight i3T EOS AAA Pocket Torch (180 Lumens)
Elite Outdoor Gear are an authorised dealer of all Olight products within Australia.
All products sold through Elite Outdoor Gear are covered by Olight's manufacturer warranty.
$34.95 Original price was: $34.95.$29.95Current price is: $29.95.
The i3T EOS is a slim tail-switch torch powered by a single AAA battery with a max output of 180 lumens. Equipped with Philips LUXEON TX and a TIR optic lens, the i3T gives a premium quality soft beam for reading at night along with a high mode for self-defence.
It is also equipped with a dual direction pocket clip for multiple carrying options such as a pocket or backpack strap. The i3T is an incredibly convenient illumination experience to take with you everywhere.
The i3T turns on on low and a second press of the tail switch changes to high.
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4 left in stock.
Colin –
Well made. High and low light setting is handy.
Jozsef kovacs –
Great little flash light.
Two settings high and low.
However always need to double click button to get to high setting.
Would be nice to be able to default it to high on one press.
Otherwise great product