NEXTORCH GT-AAA ‘Aurora’ Waterproof Safety Signal Light (Multi-Coloured LEDs)
Elite Outdoor Gear are an authorised dealer of all Nextorch products within Australia.
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$59.95 Original price was: $59.95.$49.95Current price is: $49.95.
GT-AAA Aurora is an extremely compact, multi-coloured signal light designed for high-intensity applications. It has 360° visibility with strong light transmission, can be submerged to 10-metres, and combines three light sources and 7 modes, making it suitable for high intensity applications like diving, caving, industry, tactical use, etc. Tactical mounting kit is not included, but it is available to purchase below.
- LED: Red / Green / Blue LEDs
- Output: Red / Green / Blue / Red Flash / Green Flash / Blue Flash / Red-blue Flash
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