Morakniv Companion (S) – Black
Elite Outdoor Gear are an authorised dealer of all Morakniv products within Australia.
All products sold through Elite Outdoor Gear are covered by Morakniv's manufacturer warranty.
$49.95 Original price was: $49.95.$39.95Current price is: $39.95.
The Morakniv Companion is used in a huge variety of situations by a range of users: bush crafters, hunters and outdoor enthusiasts. The blade is made of Swedish stainless steel, and has a Scandinavian grind, which is one of the easiest grinds to sharpen, making it easy to maintain and keep the blade sharper for longer. The soft friction grip in TPE rubber makes working with the knife both safe and steady. The polymer knife sheath has a practical belt clip for attaching the knife to a rucksack or a belt, so that it is always close at hand.
Companion is one of Morakniv’s most popular knives, because, as the name suggests, it is such a reliable companion. It works well both as an introductory knife for the younger generation as well as for more experienced outdoor enthusiasts.
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1 left in stock.
Cameron (verified owner) –
Safe, comfy grip with secure sheath. Durable steel blade resists corrosion and lasts. Lightweight design, easy to carry. Top-notch quality meets affordability.