Morakniv Bushcraft BlackBlade™ (C)
Elite Outdoor Gear are an authorised dealer of all Morakniv products within Australia.
All products sold through Elite Outdoor Gear are covered by Morakniv's manufacturer warranty.
$149.95 Original price was: $149.95.$79.95Current price is: $79.95.
A sturdy member of the Bushcraft family, this is one of Morakniv’s most robust knives due to its black, 3.2 mm thick blade. The blade is made of carbon steel that has been hardened to optimal strength, making the Bushcraft BlackBlade™ extremely resistant under pressure. The black DLC coating protects against rust and also prevents reflections from the blade. Morakniv is Swedish-made and perfectly balanced. Carbon steel needs to be maintained, so make it a habit to wipe your knife and oil the blade after using it. The spine of the blade has been ground so that you can use it together with a fire starter, which means critical fire is never far away. The knife sheath contains a belt loop and clip so your knife is always close at hand.
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1 left in stock.
Oscar J (verified owner) –
Morakniv make absolutely hands down the best knives I’ve ever used. The Morakniv Bushcraft Black is not quite as “slicey” as the Morakniv Companion, but it is more effective at battoning and other heavy duty tasks. Given their ridiculously low price, why not just get both!?