Kershaw Shuffle II 8750TOLBW Multi-Function Folding Knife 2.25″ Blackwash Tanto Blade, Olive Green Glass-Filled Nylon Handles, Liner Lock
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$79.95 Original price was: $79.95.$59.95Current price is: $59.95.
The Shuffle II offers a bigger blade and longer handle, but with the same multi-functional flexibility and value pricing that made the Kershaw Shuffle such a hit. But the Shuffle II looks very different to the Shuffle. With a BlackWash tanto blade, and strongly textured handle, the Shuffle II has a brawnier look and feel.
The blade is made of 8Cr13MoV, a quality stainless steel known for its ability to hold an edge, strength, and hardness. The heavily textured handle enhances grip, while still being comfortable to hold and use. A liner lock secures the Shuffle II’s blade open in use, but closes easily when its tasks are done. It also features the strong finger contours, handy bottle opener, screwdriver tip, and lanyard attachment that help define the Shuffle.
As a utility knife, a work knife, or just a great multi-function tool – with a beefed-up look – the Shuffle II is a perfect choice. It comes complete with a convenient reversible (left/right) pocketclip.
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