Kershaw Iridium 2038 DuraLock KVT Folding Knife 3.4″ Two-Tone D2 Spear Point Blade, Grey Aluminium Handles, Reversible Clip, AXIS/Crossbar Lock
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$189.95 Original price was: $189.95.$159.95Current price is: $159.95.
Clean design elements define the Iridium. Its gray-anodized aluminum handle scales create an appealing profile. Activate the thumb stud and experience glassy smooth deployment with KVT ball bearings. Ultra-secure DuraLock technology locks the blade in place. The D2 spear point blade is ideal for everyday cutting tasks. And its two-tone blade finish is nothing less than stunning. A bronze-anodized backspacer and lanyard hole give the design an extra pop. Its fine details are also stunning: a two-tone blade finish and a bronze-anodized backspacer with a lanyard hole. When your work is done, slide the lock back to safely close the Iridium and carry it with a reversible deep-carry pocket clip. Go to the next level with the Iridium, the ultimate modern folder.
- Stylish design with gray-anodized aluminum handle scale
- DuraLock secures the blade open using a solid steel crossbar; pull the ambidextrous lock back to safely close the knife
- D2 high-carbon tool steel is highly wear resistant, tough, offers excellent edge retention; two-tone blade finish with stonewashed flats and satin grinds
- Opens easily with KVT ball-bearing system and thumb studs
- Deep-carry pocketclip is easily reversible for left/right carry; bronze-anodized backspacer and lanyard hole
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