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$39.95Original price was: $39.95.$34.95Current price is: $34.95.
The Cinder is a keychain-ready, multi-functional folding knife, designed by custom knifemaker Rick Hinderer. The Cinder is the ultimate box cutter and handy mini knife, with a bottle opener built into the back end. It has plenty of style and cutting power, in a small “keychain” size so you can take it almost anywhere. The Cinder’s durable, practical black glass-filled nylon handle is tough and easy care.
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Multi-function – Has multiple blades or tools, enabling it to perform multiple functions.
Manual – There is no mechanical assist, such as SpeedSafe, used to open the folding knife. It opens the classic, old-school way.
Liner Lock – Locks the blade open during use; one side of the knife’s steel “liner,” the steel plate to which the handle scales are attached, moves into position behind the blade to securely lock it open.
I couldn’t be happier with the Kershaw Cinder. It is a first class keyring knife with excellent grips, quality fixtures and a beautiful little blade. It is surprisingly sturdy in construction and the brushed finish on the blade is a nice touch. You cant go past this for a compact blade/bottle opener. Recommended!
Rated 5 out of 5
Jonny (verified owner)–
Great little knife, I carry it on my keys and it has come in handy a number of times
Rated 5 out of 5
Luke W (verified owner)–
This is perfect for my work in Warehousing. I am constantly using box cutters and needed something co.pact and reliable. Very sharp. The blade has a hook feature which allows the blade to cut though strapping. It also comes with a bottle opener which is always handy. Will definitely purchase from Elite Outdoor Gear again. Very Satisfied.
Rated 3 out of 5
Alex Mileham –
I was sent this as a gift. Good quality. Very small. Use it as a spare knife in the car.
Ji Zhang –
little knife, perfect for open boxes.
Benjamin (verified owner) –
I couldn’t be happier with the Kershaw Cinder. It is a first class keyring knife with excellent grips, quality fixtures and a beautiful little blade. It is surprisingly sturdy in construction and the brushed finish on the blade is a nice touch. You cant go past this for a compact blade/bottle opener. Recommended!
Jonny (verified owner) –
Great little knife, I carry it on my keys and it has come in handy a number of times
Luke W (verified owner) –
This is perfect for my work in Warehousing. I am constantly using box cutters and needed something co.pact and reliable. Very sharp. The blade has a hook feature which allows the blade to cut though strapping. It also comes with a bottle opener which is always handy. Will definitely purchase from Elite Outdoor Gear again. Very Satisfied.
Alex Mileham –
I was sent this as a gift. Good quality. Very small. Use it as a spare knife in the car.