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$389.95Original price was: $389.95.$349.95Current price is: $349.95.
The smooth deployment of the Bel Air is unmatched thanks to manual KVT ball bearings and DuraLock technology. Confidently handle the blade as the crossbar secures it in place, and when closing, pull back on the handle button to drop the blade shut. Cutting-wise, CPM-MagnaCut blade steel holds an exceptional edge, and the reverse tanto blade stands up to the toughest challenges during everyday carry. The two-tone satin blade complements the marbled carbon fibre handle scales. Carry the slim profile discreetly, using the reversible deep-carry pocket clip.
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Marbled carbon fibre Bel Air; smooth and EDC-friendly design with premium materials
DuraLock secures the blade open with a solid steel crossbar; pull the ambidextrous lock back to close safely
Premium CPM MagnaCut blade steel excels in edge retention, toughness, and corrosion resistance; two-tone finish with stonewashed flats and satin grinds
Opens easily with KVT ball-bearing system and thumb studs; bead-blasted locking dowel and tube spacers
Black Cerakote deep-carry pocket clip is reversible for left/right carry; includes lanyard hole
Blade Length: 3.10″ (76 mm)
Closed Length: 4.20″ (107 mm)
Overall Length: 7.20″ (183 mm)
Blade Material: CPM-MagnaCut Stainless Steel
Blade Thickness: 0.090″ (2.3 mm)
Blade Style: Reverse Tanto
Blade Finish: Two-Tone Satin
Handle Material: Marbled Carbon Fibre
Locking Mechanism: DuraLock
Pocket Clip: Black Cerakoted Deep Carry (Tip-Up, Right/Left Carry)
Weight: 2.50 oz. (71 g)
Made in the USA
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.1 kg
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