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$374.95Original price was: $374.95.$289.95Current price is: $289.95.
The Kershaw Bel Air has a slim profile, and with its lightweight aluminium frame, it carries nicely in the pocket with a deep-carry reversible pocket clip. When opening the Kershaw Bel Air, its satisfying smoothness is unmatched thanks to manual KVT ball bearings and DuraLock technology. The crossbar secures it in place, and easily closes by pulling back on the handle button to drop the blade shut. Cutting wise, MagnaCut blade steel holds an exceptional edge, and the reverse tanto blade stands up to the toughest challenges during everyday carry. The BlackWash™ finish hides use scratches and complements the aluminium handle scales.
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Pocket Clip: Black Cerakoted Deep Carry (Tip-Up, Right/Left Carry)
Weight: 2.90 oz. (82 g)
Made in the USA
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0.120 kg
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