
Imalent HT70 Rechargeable Triple Light Source Headlamp (3500 Lumens)

Elite Outdoor Gear are an authorised dealer of all Imalent products within Australia.
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Original price was: $149.95.Current price is: $134.95.

Utilising one CREE XHP 50.3 HI LED, and two pieces each of CREE red LEDs and warm white LEDs, the Imalent HT70 offers: six main light brightness levels (up to 3,500 lumens ultra-bright light in Turbo mode), plus Strobe; and red light with three brightness options and flash; and warm white flood light with three levels. It features Type-C direct fast charging, and is powered by a 5000mAh rechargeable battery, ensuring extended runtimes (up to 350 hours in Moonlight mode.

It is easy to operate with dual switches for one-handed control, allowing seamless adjustment of brightness and modes. The mechanical slide switch allows for quick mode changes, even while wearing gloves.

HT70 has a high-quality nylon headband, which is breathable and elastic, and it is designed with versatility in mind, with a magnetic tail, tail-stand capability, and clip, it can be removed from the headband and used in other handsfree scenarios. It is durable, made from aero-grade aluminium alloy with HA III military-grade hard-anodised finish, IP66 waterproof, and 2m impact resistant.

Built-in thermal control, constant current circuit for consistent brightness, and anti-reverse battery protection, makes it safe and reliable.

HT70 comes supplied with a convenient protective zippered carry case.

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IMALENT HT70 Headlamp Triple Light Sources



  • Utilises one CREE XHP 50.3 HI LED and two pieces of CREE red LEDs and warm white LEDs. The main white light has a maximum output of up to 3,500 lumens, with a lifespan of up to 50,000 hours.
  • Powered by a 5000mAh high-capacity rechargeable battery.
  • With the built-in TYPE-C fast charging port, the battery can be recharged at any time freely and conveniently, even by a power bank.
  • Designed with two switches with different functions, offering easy one-handed operation.
  • The main white light offers 6 brightness levels and strobe, the red light offers 3 brightness options and flash mode, while the flood warm white light offers 3 brightness options.
  • Product size: 95mm (length) x 36.5mm (width) x 28mm (diameter).
  • Net weight: 189g (including battery and headband).
  • The built-in thermal control module will automatically adjust the brightness output according to the working state and outer temperature.
  • The high-efficiency constant current circuit will maintain constant brightness.
  • Anti-reverse battery protection.
  • Combination of toughened ultra-clear mineral and anti-reflective coating glass lens.
  • Constructed from aero-grade aluminium alloy with a HA III military-grade hard-anodised finish.
  • Comes with comfortable, breathable, and elastic material in the making of a high-quality nylon headband.
  • Aluminium SMO reflector.
  • IP66 standard waterproof.
  • 2m impact resistance.


Batteries Required: 1x rechargeable 5000mAh Li-ion battery(included)

Luminous Flux: Up To 3500 Lumens

Run Time: Up To 350h

Intensity: 306000cd (Max.)

Distance: 349m (Max.)

Measurements: 95mm (head diameter) x 36.5mm (body diameter) x28mm(length)

Weight: 189g (battery included)

Impact Resistance: 2m

Waterproof: IP66 standard waterproof( 2 metres submersible)

Operating Modes: Turbo / High /Middle Ⅱ/Middle Ⅰ/Mid-Low / Moonlight Mode

Output and Runtime:

Turbo output : 3,500~1000 Lumens;Run-time: 90s+2h33min

High output : 2,000~1000 Lumens;Run-time: 6min20s+2h30min

Middle Ⅱ output : 1,000 Lumens;Run-time: 2h51min

Middle Ⅰ output : 500 Lumens;Run-time: 5h13min

Mid-Low output :150 Lumens;Run-time: 17h30mini

Moonlight Mode : 6 Lumens;Run-time: 350h

Accessories included: Headband, Type-c charging cable, Lanyard, 5000mAh Battery

Additional information

Weight 0.305 kg


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