
Gerber Paraframe Tanto Clip Folding Knife

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Original price was: $49.95.Current price is: $39.95.

This lightweight (85g) everyday carry knife is under 18cm total length and has an open frame that is the ultimate in minimalist design. Easy to clean, carry, and open, the Paraframe is an effortless addition to your pocket or belt clip.

  • Total Length – 17.78cm (7″)
  • Tanto style blade is ready to puncture, slice and perform detailed work
  • Black titanium nitride-coated blade reduces unwanted reflection and defends against corrosion
  • Partially serrated edge adds utility when dealing with stubborn materials like nylon rope
  • Frame lock offers bomber blade control
  • Thumb studs facilitate quick, easy blade engagement
  • Pocket clip offers security and keeps your knife within easy reach at all times
  • Limited lifetime warranty

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SKU: GE31001731 Categories: ,
Gerber Paraframe Tanto


Total Length – 17.78cm (7″)

An everyday carry knife is only as useful as it is easy to carry and access. The Gerber Paraframe Tanto Knife walks the line between full-size functionality and compact size for discreet carry. With a closed length of just over 4 inches, the Paraframe is small enough to fit in the palm of your hand, yet still packs a nearly 3-inch tanto style blade.


The first thing you’ll notice when you handle this knife is its balanced feel. Like an evenly weighted skipping stone, the skeletonised metal handle complements the weight of the blade to provide a positive, confident feel for a smaller knife. Equally as important, it’s a pleasure to carry. Clip it to your pocket or belt, and it literally disappears until you know you need it.


Gerber’s decades-long history crafting tools shines in the small details that have earned the Paraframe design its popularity: twin knurled thumb studs for easy blade engagement, a beefy frame lock for secure blade use, and the blade itself, a capable partially serrated tanto style. There’s even a metal pocket clip to keep it handy at a moment’s notice.

Additional information

Weight .1 kg


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