
Fenix HP35R Professional Rechargeable Headlamp (4000 Lumens, 450 Metres)

Elite Outdoor Gear are an authorised dealer of all Fenix products within Australia.
All products sold through Elite Outdoor Gear are covered by Fenix's manufacturer warranty.


Original price was: $399.95.Current price is: $389.95.

Designed for professional use, Fenix HP35R is built to perform, with long runtimes. It is an ultra powerful headlamp with a long-distance 3000-lumen, 440-metre main beam, and impressive 1200-lumen floodlight, which can be used combined to produce a 4000-lumen, 450-metre distance. The lamp is powered by a 10,000mAh, rear mounted rechargeable battery pack, and controlled by a rotary mode switch with central brightness adjusting push button.

The warm white main beam features 4 brightness levels of 50, 350, 800 and 3000 lumens. 2x 600 lumen neutral-white flood lights deliver 5, 50, 400 and 1200 lumens. Switch them all on to turn night into day with 4000 lumens of light!

With large battery capacity, efficient, aluminium heat sink head and industrial quality components, HP35R can maintain extreme output much longer than a conventional headlamp, whilst effectively dissipating the heat generated and leading to longer service life.

The heavy duty battery pack is easily removable from the headband and can be used in a bag or pocket in conjunction with the included extension cable. The battery case incorporates a 4x LED meter displaying charging and battery level status, plus a USB-C in/out socket for use as a 10,000mAh power bank. A red rear light with its own operating switch is incorporated for safety critical applications. This model is compatible with HP30R V2.0 battery boxes so that those seeking an upgrade can use their existing batteries.

Fenix HP35R features an intelligent brightness downshift function which reduces output to minimum when in close proximity to an object (60mm), for added safety and to protect the lamp unit. This feature can be switched off if required.

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Fenix HP35R - Long Range Professional Headlamp



  • Combination spot and floodlight delivers a max output of 4000 lumens, and high CRI floodlight delivers a max output of 1200 lumens.
  • Utilises one XHP70 neutral white LED, two Luminus SST20 warm white LEDs; with a life span of 50,000 hours each.
  • Rotary switch and electronic switch for easy and fast operation.
  • Quick-release large-capacity battery case with red warning light and power bank function.
  • Intelligent brightness downshifting function to avoid potentially dangerous high temperature(s) at close-range lighting.
  • Inner waterproof USB Type-C charging port.
  • IP66 rated protection and 2 metres impact resistance.

Spotlight Mode

Turbo: 3000 lumens, 5 hours and 43 minutes runtime, 440 metres range

High: 800 lumens, 11 hours and 40 minutes runtime, 230 metres range

Medium: 350 lumens, 28 hours and 24 minutes runtime, 151 metres range

Low: 50 lumens, 120 hours runtime, 56 metres range

Floodlight Mode

Turbo: 4000 lumens, 4 hours and 17 minutes runtime, 68 metres range

High: 400 lumens, 30 hours and 48 minutes runtime, 24 metres range

Medium: 50 lumens, 120 hours runtime, 7 metres range

Low: 5 lumens, 500 hours runtime, 14 metres range

Spot-and-Floodlight Mode

Turbo: 4000 lumens, 4 hours and 17 minutes runtime, 450 metres range

High: 1200 lumens, 8 hours runtime, 241 metres range

Medium: 400 lumens, 18 hours runtime, 153 metres range

Low: 50 lumens, 120 hours runtime, 55 metres range

Rear red light:

Flashing: 5 lumens

Constant: 20 lumens

Max Lumens: 4000

Max Beam Distance: 1476 feet (450 metres)

Max Runtime: 500 hours

Lighting Modes: Twelve lighting modes including four spotlight levels, four floodlight levels, and four combined (spot+flood) levels

Bulb Type: One XHP70 neutral white LED, two Luminus SST20 warm white LEDs

Lens Material: Polycarbonate

Colour Temperature: Spotlight around 4500K. Floodlight around 3000K

Size: Headlamp – 3.7” (94.1mm) x 1.92” (48.7mm) x 2.26’’ (57.4mm) Battery case: 3.75’’ (95.3mm) x 1.57” (39.8mm) x 2.11” (53.5mm)

Weight: 15.27 oz. (433g) including battery and headband

Battery: 10000mAh battery pack

CONTENTS of retail packaged Fenix HP35R headlamp:

Quick release 10,000mAh battery pack with red safety light

Black perforated head/helmet strap

1x 2-in-1 USB-C charging cable

1x Extension cable

2x Cable clips

User manual

Warranty card

Additional information

Weight 0.741 kg


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