Cold Steel Kyoto I Fixed Blade 3.25″ Tanto, Kray-Ex Handle, Secure-Ex Cover – 17DA
Elite Outdoor Gear are an authorised dealer of all Cold Steel Knives products within Australia.
All products sold through Elite Outdoor Gear are covered by Cold Steel Knives's manufacturer warranty.
$64.95 Original price was: $64.95.$44.95Current price is: $44.95.
As much as Cold Steel loves the massive cutting and piercing power of big, fixed blade knives, there is no denying that wearing one in plain sight will often draw unwanted attention or comments. Conversely, small fixed blades like the Kyoto knives seem to go unnoticed or, if they do draw attention, they almost always get a “pass” because of their small size and innocuous appearance. Available in traditional and reinforced point blade styles, they offer astounding cutting and thrusting potential that belies their modest stature.
The robustly stout blades have wide, full tangs that run the full length of the handle. They are coupled with stainless steel guards and super high traction Kray-Ex handles that are stylised to mimic the traditional look of cord wrapped Japanese sword handles. The slim, comfortable sheath is versatile and will accept a bead chain lanyard, or a Cold Steel C-Clip, so it can be carried in a variety of ways.
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4 left in stock.
Phil Montgomery (verified owner) –
It’s a really cool little knife. Seems to be decent quality materials. Only downside is there’s no way to really carry it. It doesn’t come with a belt clip or anything. Just a secure-ex sheath (which is a good sheath, but no belt clip or loop) and you have to buy the secure-ex c-clip as an extra. A little bit annoying because I also had to buy it from a whole separate website. Perhaps it’s just that I’m just not used to Cold Steel knives.