Elite Outdoor Gear are an authorised dealer of all CIVIVI products within Australia.
All products sold through Elite Outdoor Gear are covered by CIVIVI's manufacturer warranty.
$154.95Original price was: $154.95.$134.95Current price is: $134.95.
Designed by Ben Peterson, the CIVIVI Baby Banter is an ideal size for everyday carry. The 2.34″ blade is housed in a compact handle so the overall length is just 140mm. The wide base provides ample room to grip and places the cutting surface right next to the fingers for more leverage. The jimping on the thumb ramp is ultra-functional and the lanyard hole is large enough for 550-paracord.
The Baby Banter 2 adds complete ambidexterity to the knife with the reversible pocket clip and self-adjustable Crossbar Lock.
Out of Stock. Available on back-order
Due back in 24/02/2025. Back-orders ship from this date.
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