
Celestron Upclose G2 Zoom Binocular 10-30×50

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Original price was: $229.95.Current price is: $189.95.

The UpClose G2 10-30×50 Zoom Porro Binocular from Celestron is a large handheld binocular with a very welcome integrated tripod thread. The 50 millimeter objectives are bountiful light gatherers allowing bright images during low light conditions such as dawn, dusk and overcast days. The expansive zoom magnification sharpens the details as the subject is enlarged from the expansive scan of 10x to the minuscule precision of 30x. This is a powerful optic that is just over the line of handheld practicality.

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A very welcomed Apparent Angle of View (AAoV) stretches past 65 degrees at 30x power. BAK7 glass with multi-coated optics dispenses brighter, sharper, higher contrasted images. The housing is water resistant, rubber coated and made out of aluminum. There are ergonomic thumb indents and finger ridges for a firm, slip-proof grip even in inclement weather conditions. The large center focus knob will be especially appreciated in challenging, high-stress situations. A dioptric ring adjuster and fold down rubber eyecups customize the comfort level to individual preferences. The built-in tripod threaded screw hole is located underneath a protective cap. Use of a tripod allows for added stability and comfort especially when viewing at high powers. Any support will come in handy; such as a car top, a fence, a tree or the mast stay of a boat unless of course it is being leveraged with a tripod. Besides its all around usefulness for just about any application, because of their large aperture and high magnification they are also suited for astronomical observation.



  • Wide AAoV of 65.7° at 30x
  • Large ridged center focus wheel affords easily accessible focusing
  • Right-side ridged thumb lever for continuous zooming from 10x to 30x magnification
  • Rubber eyecups and right eye diopter adjustment supply comfortable customized viewing
  • Porro Prisms offer enhanced three-dimensional imaging, less light loss and generally sharper images for a smaller investment
  • Rubber covered aluminum body with ergonomic thumb indents and finger ridges provide a secure and comfortable grip, as well as added shock-resistance
  • BAK7 glass with multi-coated optics on at least one lens surface reduces light loss and glare due to reflection offering a brighter, higher-contrast image
  • Ideal for bird watching, sporting events, nature & wildlife, hunting, travel & ventures, concerts & live events, and boating
  • Includes soft carrying case and binocular straps 



Linear Field of View (@1000 yds)        225ft @ 10x, 115ft @ 30x
IPD Max 72 mm (2.83 in)
IPD Min 56 mm (2.2 in)
Optical Coatings Multi-Coated
Weight (oz) 28 oz (794 g)
Prism Glass (Type) BK7
Tripod Adaptable Yes


Additional information

Weight 1.5 kg


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