
Bob Cooper Survival Kit

Elite Outdoor Gear are an authorised dealer of all Bob Cooper products within Australia.
All products sold through Elite Outdoor Gear are covered by Bob Cooper's manufacturer warranty.

(7 customer reviews)

Original price was: $99.95.Current price is: $84.95.

Developed by outback survival expert Bob Cooper, the Survival Kit contains all the necessary items for survival in the wilderness. Designed and tested in the outback, the kit’s quality components have been selected specifically to be the most versatile and effective system of survival. Bob Cooper has identified the Big 5 priorities of survival to be water, warmth, shelter, signals, and food. Using this practical kit, in conjunction with the included instruction and survival tip sheet, you can survive in the Australian outback until you walk out or assistance arrives.

Packed in a compact tin small enough to fit into a large pocket and weighing only 434 grams, it is durable and lightweight. Already used by the Australian Defence Force, pilots, government agencies, and mining companies this kit is ideal to take with you while camping, hiking and fishing, as well as for keeping in your vehicle while you are on the road.

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1 left in stock.

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SKU: BOBSURV Categories: , , , ,
The ONLY Survival Kit You’ll EVER NEED | Bob Cooper Survival Kit


Included in the 26 components are:

Metal Container


Ferro rod

Metal striker

Cotton Pads x 2



Plastic Mirror


Plastic Bags x 2

Fishing Line            

Fishing Hooks x 6        

Brass Swivel          


Trace Wire              


Plasters x 4                 

Scalpel Blade         

Sewing kit

Alcohol Swabs x 2

Antiseptic Wipes x 2      


Magnifying Lens     

Multi Tool               


Mini playing cards  

Instruction Sheet   

Dimensions: 130 x 95 x 43mm

Weight: 434g

Additional information

Weight .434 kg

7 reviews for Bob Cooper Survival Kit

  1. Linda (verified owner)

    Obviously haven’t had to use it yet but it’s a nice neat compact handy little unit with decent quality equipment that gives me peace of mind having it. The video explanation is also very handy.

  2. C (verified owner)

    Great kit! Very happy with purchase. Easy to transport. Appreciated video on website showing everything inside.

  3. Jo (verified owner)

    Small – which means perfect to carry with you and not be hiking with redundant weight. Everything thought out. Great lil kit

  4. Michael Strack (verified owner)

    Great little kit !! Easy to take with you everywhere

  5. Bella (verified owner)

    One of the best survival kits ive come across yet!!! Everything you need.
    Ill be buying the snake kit aswell 🙂

  6. Amber Ryan (verified owner)

    Perfect for hiking.
    Great service.
    Fantastic quality products in the kit.

  7. Katrina Mcgeachy (verified owner)

    Just absolutely awesome
    Great service
    Great delivery

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