BeaverCraft Whittling Sloyd Knife with Leather Sheath – C4S
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$49.95 Original price was: $49.95.$42.95Current price is: $42.95.
The C4S is the familiar C4 Whittling Sloyd Knife, now accompanied by a durable leather sheath. This addition not only protects the knife blade but also ensures the user is shielded from accidental cuts.
The C4S Whittling Sloyd knife is designed for wood cutting and roughing out wood. It earns its name from the Swedish “sloyd” woodworking tradition, emphasising craftsmanship and efficiency. Whether you’re working with soft or hardwoods, this knife excels in various wood carving techniques. Its straight blade and durable tip for heavier stock removal make it an ideal tool for whittling and carving wood.
The blade, crafted from high-carbon steel, is well-sharpened, guaranteeing effortless and precise cuts. The handle, made from oak wood and coated with natural linseed oil, provides a comfortable and secure grip. The ergonomic design ensures a pleasant feel in your hand, making extended carving sessions fatigue-free.
Versatility is a hallmark of the C4S whittling knife, as it caters to both right- and left-handed users. This ambidextrous design allows craftsmen of all preferences to discover the full potential of this exceptional tool without compromise.
Whether you are a beginner embarking on your first carving project or a seasoned artisan seeking a reliable tool for intricate handiwork and crafts, this knife is tailored to meet your needs.
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