BeaverCraft Right-Handed Spoon Carving Set in Wooden Box – S13BOX
Elite Outdoor Gear are an authorised dealer of all Beaver Craft products within Australia.
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$129.95 Original price was: $129.95.$119.95Current price is: $119.95.
Designed for general spoon and detail carving, the tools from the BeaverCraft S13BOX Spoon Carving Set are characterised by excellent quality and reliability. The carving of spoons is the first step in mastering sculptural carving. Having learned how to carve wooden spoons, you can easily switch to wood carving more complex projects – animal and human figures, toys, and interior accessories.
The BeaverCraft S13BOX has specialised tools for carving spoons, bowls, kuksas, and similar designs – a spoon carving knife (a hooked blade tool), a multi-tasking sloyd whittling knife, and a detail carving knife. In addition to three cutting tools, S13 comes with a small leather strop, a grey/green compound for sharpening and honing, and a spoon blank, all contained in a protective BeaverCraft-branded wooden tool box.
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