BeaverCraft BSH3 Nightfall Bushcraft Knife – 4.72″ Coated Carbon Steel Fixed-Blade with Walnut Handle and Leather Cover
Elite Outdoor Gear are an authorised dealer of all Beaver Craft products within Australia.
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$114.95 Original price was: $114.95.$98.95Current price is: $98.95.
The BeaverCraft BSH3 Nightfall is a top-notch full-tang survival knife, an indispensable accessory for any hiker, wilderness backpacker, hunter, or camper. It is an excellent model suitable as an everyday or tactical knife. It’s elegant, lightweight, compact, and ideal for those who spend most of their time on the move. The blade of this knife is made of top-quality carbon steel with a hardness of 58-60 HRC.
Within Beaver Craft’s selection of bushcraft knives, the BSH3 Nightfall is one of the exclusive models boasting a blued steel finish. Blued steel got this name because after coating the steel with a film of oxides, it becomes blue-black. This approach prevents rapid corrosion, allowing it to be used in rainy or moist environments.
In addition, quality sharpening will provide you with the highest performance (the blade cuts efficiently and retains its sharpness for a long time without getting dull). It makes it an ideal tool for most tasks – from fieldwork in the wild to simple outdoor chores. The handle is made of beautiful European walnut in an ergonomic design and provides a comfortable and high-quality grip. This feature is an essential quality of any BeaverCraft tool. BSH3 comes with a cowhide leather belt sheath.
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