Rechargeable Torches

Elite Outdoor Gear has a large range of rechargeable flashlights in stock ranging from torches with docking stations to USB rechargeable units. Elite Outdoor Gear are authorised Dealers of all the brands we sell and all products sold through Elite Outdoor Gear are covered by full Manufacturers warranty and serviced in Australia.

Rechargeable torches, also known as rechargeable flashlights, are portable handheld devices that produce a focused beam of light. They are designed to be powered by rechargeable batteries instead of disposable ones, allowing users to easily recharge them for extended use.

Rechargeable torches typically use LED (Light Emitting Diode) technology, which provides bright and energy-efficient illumination. These torches often feature multiple lighting modes, adjustable focus, and waterproof or rugged designs for various outdoor activities such as camping, hiking, or emergency situations.

All Rechargeable Torches purchased through Elite Outdoor Gear come with a full warranty covering all manufacturing defects and are repaired or replaced directly through Elite Outdoor Gear.

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  • Lumintop GT Nano 5.0 Rechargeable Multi-Light Source Pocket Torch (1400 Lumens, 180 Metres)

    Sale! Original price was: $104.95.Current price is: $74.95.
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  • Fenix LR40R V2.0 Type-C Rechargeable Searchlight (15000 Lumens, 900 Metres)

    Sale! Original price was: $499.95.Current price is: $489.95.
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  • SPERAS P10R V2 Rechargeable Searchlight (10,000 Lumens, 574 metres)

    Sale! Original price was: $334.95.Current price is: $269.95.
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  • SPERAS PZ18 Rechargeable Focusable Light (1600 Lumens, 420 Metres)

    Sale! Original price was: $129.95.Current price is: $89.95.
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  • SPERAS EST PLUS Rechargeable Long Range Light (1600 Lumens, 726 Metres)

    Sale! Original price was: $169.95.Current price is: $119.95.
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  • SPERAS EST MAX Rechargeable Pocket Light (2500 Lumens, 279 Metres)

    Sale! Original price was: $129.95.Current price is: $109.95.
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  • Olight Baton 4 Rechargeable Compact Pocket Torch (1300 Lumens, 170 metres)

    Sale! Original price was: $104.95.Current price is: $84.95.
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  • SPERAS EST2 Compact Rechargeable Tactical Light – 1900 Lumens, 211 Metres

    Sale! Original price was: $109.95.Current price is: $99.95.
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  • SPERAS EST MINI Rechargeable Pocket Light (1900 Lumens, 211 Metres)

    Sale! Original price was: $104.95.Current price is: $74.95.
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  • Imalent BL70 Rechargeable Powerful EDC Flashlight with Red Light (6000 Lumens, 347 Metres)

    Sale! Original price was: $164.95.Current price is: $144.95.
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  • Imalent LD35 Rechargeable EDC Flashlight with Wireless Charging Case – Black (1200 Lumens, 328 Metres)

    Sale! Original price was: $149.95.Current price is: $129.95.
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  • Imalent LD35 Rechargeable EDC Flashlight with Wireless Charging Case – Micro Arc (1200 Lumens, 328 Metres)

    Sale! Original price was: $149.95.Current price is: $129.95.
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  • AceBeam T35 Rechargeable Compact Flashlight (1900 Lumens, 380 Metres)

    Sale! Original price was: $109.95.Current price is: $89.95.
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  • Lumintop GT Mini 5.0 Rechargeable Compact Long Distance Flashlight (1600 Lumens, 1000 Metres)

    Sale! Original price was: $179.95.Current price is: $159.95.
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  • Wuben X2 Rechargeable Pocket Torch, Grey Titanium (1800 Lumens, 128 Metres)

    Sale! Original price was: $384.95.Current price is: $284.95.
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  • JETBeam SSR50 Rechargeable Security Torch (3650 Lumens, 483 Metres)

    Sale! Original price was: $349.95.Current price is: $259.95.
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  • JETBeam Raptor RRT-M2S White Laser Flashlight – 1000 Metres

    Sale! Original price was: $358.95.Current price is: $294.95.
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  • Wuben B1 Rechargeable Bike Light (3600 Lumen)

    Sale! Original price was: $269.95.Current price is: $179.95.
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  • NEXTORCH TA31 Ultra Bright Rechargeable Searchlight (10,000 Lumens, 380 Metres)

    Sale! Original price was: $498.95.Current price is: $429.95.
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  • Olight Marauder 2 Rechargeable Tactical Torch - 14000 Lumens

    Olight Marauder 2 Rechargeable Searchlight (14000 Lumens, 800 Metres)

    Sale! Original price was: $454.95.Current price is: $434.95.
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  • AceBeam W35 LC DEL Zoom Rechargeable LEP Flashlight (2.6km Throw)

    Sale! Original price was: $599.95.Current price is: $524.95.
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  • Imalent BL50 Rechargeable Dual Light Source EDC Torch – UV Light (365nm) and White Light (3600 Lumens, 428 Metres)

    Sale! Original price was: $144.95.Current price is: $129.95.
    Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

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  • SPERAS U2 Rechargeable Flashlight/Bike Light with Power Bank Function – (5000 Lumens, 340 Metres)

    Sale! $119.95$124.95
    Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

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  • SPERAS M4 Mini Rechargeable EDC Pocket Light (1320 Lumens, 652 Metres)

    Sale! Original price was: $119.95.Current price is: $94.95.
    Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page

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A rechargeable torch is a type of flashlight that can be powered by a rechargeable battery instead of disposable batteries. These torches usually come with a charging cable or dock that allows the user to easily charge the battery when it runs out of power. Rechargeable torches are often more environmentally friendly and cost-effective in the long run, as they do not require the constant purchase and disposal of batteries.


Why is it worth investing in a rechargeable torch?

There are several reasons why it’s worth investing in a high-quality rechargeable torch:

  1. Long-term cost savings: Although rechargeable torches may have a higher initial cost than disposable battery-powered torches, they can save you money in the long run by eliminating the need for constant battery replacements.

  2. Environmentally friendly: Disposable batteries contribute to landfill waste and can be harmful to the environment. By using a rechargeable torch, you can reduce your carbon footprint and help protect the planet.

  3. Dependability: A high-quality rechargeable torch is likely to be more durable and dependable than a cheaper alternative. This means that it will be less likely to fail when you need it most.

  4. Convenience: Rechargeable torches are often more convenient to use than disposable battery-powered ones. You don’t have to worry about running out of batteries or keeping spare ones on hand.

  5. Brighter light: High-quality rechargeable torches often have more powerful LEDs and better reflectors, which means they can provide brighter and more focused light than cheaper models.


Who uses rechargeable torches?

There are many different types of people who use high-quality rechargeable torches depending on their needs and interests. Here are a few examples:

  1. Outdoor enthusiasts: People who enjoy camping, hiking, or other outdoor activities often rely on rechargeable torches to provide reliable lighting in the wilderness.

  2. First responders: Police officers, firefighters, search and rescue teams, and other first responders need dependable lighting sources to help them do their jobs safely and effectively.

  3. Tradespeople: Electricians, plumbers, mechanics, and other tradespeople often use rechargeable torches because they need to work in dark environments and require hands-free lighting solutions.

  4. Homeowners: Rechargeable torches can be handy to have around the house in case of a power outage or other emergency situation.

  5. Everyday carry enthusiasts: Some people enjoy having a high-quality rechargeable torch as part of their everyday carry gear, whether it’s for personal safety or just for convenience.