Gun Lights

Elite Outdoor Gear stocks a huge range of hunting torches and kits which are essential pieces of equipment when you are out hunting at night. We stock dual purpose flashlights that are able to be used as both handheld and attachable gun torches with the help of our gun kits, making them extremely practical for a variety of different purposes. Whether you are looking for a high lumen flashlight or a long throw beam, we have a range of flashlights to cater to all your hunting needs. We also stock a variety of torch filters which help to retain night vision, penetrate fog or smoke, signal caution, aid with night fishing and track wounded game. Ultimately, you will be able to find a solution to any of your hunting lighting problems here.

All gun kits purchased through Elite Outdoor Gear come with a full 5 year warranty covering all manufacturing defects and are repaired or replaced directly through Elite Outdoor Gear.

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  • Klarus F11 Green Filter RS11, XT11, XT12-0
    Klarus F11 Green Filter RS11, XT11, XT12-10708

    Klarus FT11 Green Filter (for 35-43mm bezel)

    Sale! Original price was: $12.95.Current price is: $9.95.

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  • NEXTORCH WL50IR Flashlight - Dual Light (860 Lumens White Light and 850nm IR Light)
    NEXTORCH WL50IR Flashlight - Dual Light (860 Lumens White Light and 850nm IR Light)

    NEXTORCH WL50IR Flashlight – Dual Light (860 Lumens White Light and 850nm IR Light)

    Sale! Original price was: $299.95.Current price is: $279.95.
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  • Klarus FT12 Green Filter for 45mm Bezel Flashlights
    Klarus FT12 Green Filter for 45mm Bezel Flashlights

    Klarus FT12 Green Filter for 45mm Bezel Flashlights

    Sale! Original price was: $19.95.Current price is: $14.95.
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What are gun lights used for?

Gun lights, also known as weapon-mounted lights or tactical lights, are accessories attached to firearms that provide illumination in low-light or dark environments. Here are some common uses of gun lights:

  1. Target Identification: Gun lights help shooters identify potential threats or targets in low-light situations, enhancing situational awareness and reducing the risk of accidental shootings.

  2. Sight Alignment: The illumination provided by gun lights allows for proper sight alignment, ensuring accurate shot placement even in dimly lit conditions.

  3. Blinding and Disorienting: Gun lights can be used as a non-lethal means to temporarily blind and disorient an aggressor, providing an advantage in self-defense scenarios.

  4. Hands-Free Operation: By mounting the light directly on the firearm, users have both hands free to manipulate the weapon or perform other tasks.

  5. Search and Navigation: Gun lights assist in searching dark areas or navigating through poorly lit environments, aiding in target acquisition and movement.


What are the benefits of gun lights?

Gun lights provide several benefits for firearm users. Here are some key advantages of using gun lights:

  1. Enhanced Target Identification: One of the primary benefits of gun lights is improved target identification in low-light or dark conditions. By illuminating the target, gun lights help shooters distinguish between threats and non-threats, reducing the risk of accidental shootings.
  2. Improved Accuracy: Gun lights allow for better sight alignment, enabling shooters to aim accurately even in low-light environments. This can significantly enhance shot placement and overall accuracy.
  3. Hands-Free Operation: By mounting a light onto the firearm, users have both hands free to manipulate the weapon or perform other tasks. This provides increased manoeuvrability and flexibility in various situations.
  4. Self-Defense Advantage: Gun lights can be used as a non-lethal means to temporarily blind and disorient an aggressor. This can provide a tactical advantage in self-defense scenarios and allow users to gain control of the situation.
  5. Search and Navigation: Gun lights assist in searching dark or poorly lit areas, helping users identify potential threats or navigate safely. They provide a valuable tool for law enforcement, military personnel, and civilians alike.