
A quality Axe is an ideal tool to have in your outdoor equipment kit. It can be used to chop timber for fire wood and also clearing purposes. Having a sharp axe that holds a good edge is also important for all those little outdoor jobs like survival and building. All the axes in our range are chosen for the quality of their steel and build quality of the handles for durability.

Camping axe’s are compact and versatile tool that are designed for outdoor enthusiasts who enjoy camping, hiking, and other outdoor activities. It typically features a blade made of durable steel and a sturdy handle made of wood or synthetic materials such as rubber or plastic. The blade is usually sharp and can be used for a variety of tasks such as chopping wood, clearing brush, and preparing kindling for a fire. The handle is designed to provide a comfortable grip and is often textured to prevent slipping. Some camping axes also come with additional features such as a hammerhead or a saw blade, making them even more versatile tools for outdoor adventures.

All Axe’s purchased through Elite Outdoor Gear come with a full warranty covering all manufacturing defects and are repaired or replaced directly through Elite Outdoor Gear.
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  • Gerber Bushcraft Hatchet

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  • SOL Stoke Camp Hatchet

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A hiking axe is a compact and lightweight tool designed specifically for hikers and backpackers who need a reliable cutting instrument while on the trail. It typically features a sharp, durable blade made of steel and a lightweight handle made of wood or composite materials such as fiberglass or carbon fiber. The blade is designed to be narrow and sharp, making it ideal for precision tasks such as chopping small branches, trimming underbrush, and preparing kindling for a fire. The handle is designed to be lightweight and comfortable to hold, with a non-slip grip to prevent the axe from slipping out of your hands. Some hiking axes may also come with additional features such as a built-in saw blade or a hammerhead, adding to their versatility. Overall, a hiking axe is an essential tool for any hiker or backpacker who needs a reliable cutting instrument while in the great outdoors.

A survival axe is a versatile tool that can be used in a variety of situations where you need to cut, chop, or break things. Here are some common uses for a survival axe:

  1. Chopping wood: A survival axe can be used to chop branches and logs into manageable sizes for firewood.

  2. Building shelter: You can use a survival axe to cut branches and other materials to build a shelter in case of an emergency.

  3. Digging: In a pinch, a survival axe can be used for digging holes in the ground.

  4. Self-defense: A survival axe can be used as a defensive weapon in case of an animal attack or other dangerous situation.

  5. Breaking ice: If you’re in a cold environment, a survival axe can also be used to break through ice to access water sources.

  6. Cutting rope or cord: A survival axe can be used to cut rope or cord when you need to create a makeshift shelter or tie down equipment.

  7. Hunting and fishing: A survival axe can be used to clean fish or small game, or to prepare kindling for a fire to cook your catch.

Overall, a survival axe is a valuable tool for anyone who spends time in the wilderness or may need to survive in an emergency situation.