About Us

Elite Outdoor Gear is a supplier of professional outdoor equipment and related accessories for Police, Military and serious outdoor adventurers looking for the best quality equipment available on the market. We stock a large range of products to suit most outdoor needs and applications. We can be contacted by email from Mon-Fri 9am-5pm for any product related information. All products sold through Elite Outdoor Gear come with a full manufacturers warranty and are backed by Elite Outdoor Gear Pty Ltd.

Elite Outdoor Gear is located in Geelong Victoria and we ship anywhere in Australia. We source only the best outdoor equipment available on the market today and we are continually updating our product range to provide the best choice possible. If you require a product that we have not listed under a particular brand, please contact us about ordering it for you (subject to availability).

Our aim at Elite Outdoor Gear is to provide a one stop shop for our customers’ entire outdoor equipment needs, while still providing courteous and informative advice, warranty repair, and excellent after sales service. At Elite Outdoor Gear our customers come first. As such, we appreciate feedback, constructive or otherwise, in relation to our service or products we offer. Our aim is to better provide the service we believe our customers should receive. Please check out our other specialty flashlight store at  http://www.ledtorchshop.com.au/  if there is an item in out lighting section you cannot find.


  Australian Owned & Operated.   Australian warranty on all products.   Bonus gifts on orders over $300.



Elite Outdoor Gear Pty Ltd
Unit 1, 9-11 Sandra Avenue
Corio, Victoria 3214
(Click & Collect Only)

ABN. 60152279662
ACN. 152279662

Postal Address:
Elite Outdoor Gear
North Geelong BC
PO Box 20
North Geelong VIC 3215


Opening Hours:
Monday – Friday: 9:00am – 5pm


Our Partners

Elite Outdoor Gear supplies a large range of industries and Companies around Australia with the highest quality gear and equipment required for their needs. Below are just a few of the Companies we work closely with to supply outdoor and lighting equipment. If you or your organisation need a hand sourcing or finding the product right for the job give us a call and we will do our best to help.