
Elite Outdoor Gear stocks a wide variety of high output LED headlamps ranging from rechargeable to waterproof headlamps for extreme weather conditions, and also long running headlamps ideal for police military or trade use. Rechargeable Head torches, Led Rechargeable Head torches are ideal for those who use headlamps a lot. Not only will it keep running costs down it will also allow the user to run much brighter headlamps for longer periods of time utilising Lithium rechargeable technology.
Non Rechargeable Headlamps, Running headlamps on standard AA or AAA batteries may suit people who use headlamps intermittantely and for shorter periods of time. AA and AAA batteries are also easy to source and also allow the user to source from a stash of spare batteries.

A head torch, also known as a headlamp, is a portable lighting device worn on the head like a headband. It is designed to provide hands-free illumination in various activities such as camping, hiking, running, fishing, and many others. Head torches usually have adjustable straps and a light source that can be tilted up or down to provide directional lighting. They are powered by batteries, and some models offer rechargeable options to reduce waste and improve convenience.

All headlamps purchased through Elite Outdoor Gear come with a full warranty covering all manufacturing defects and are repaired or replaced directly through Elite Outdoor Gear.
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  • AceBeam H16 Lightweight Running Headlamp/Right Angle Flashlight (1000 Lumens, 105 Metres) - Grey
    AceBeam H16 Lightweight Running Headlamp/Right Angle Flashlight (1000 Lumens, 105 Metres) - Grey

    AceBeam H16 Lightweight Running Headlamp/Right Angle Flashlight (1000 Lumens, 105 Metres) – Grey

    Sale! Original price was: $89.95.Current price is: $74.95.
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  • AceBeam H35 Rechargeable 5-Core Industrial Grade Headlamp with Dual Light Sources (2600 Lumens, 170 Metres)
    AceBeam H35 Rechargeable 5-Core Industrial Grade Headlamp with Dual Light Sources (2600 Lumens, 170 Metres)

    AceBeam H35 Rechargeable 5-Core Industrial Grade Headlamp with Dual Light Sources (2600 Lumens, 170 Metres)

    Sale! Original price was: $169.95.Current price is: $154.95.
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  • Black Diamond Distance 1500 Headlamp - Rechargeable
    Black Diamond Distance 1500 Headlamp - Rechargeable

    Black Diamond Distance 1500 Headlamp – Rechargeable

    Sale! Original price was: $379.95.Current price is: $369.95.
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  • Black Diamond Deploy 325 Run Light - Rechargeable
    Black Diamond Deploy 325 Run Light - Rechargeable

    Black Diamond Deploy 325 Run Light – Rechargeable

    Sale! Original price was: $119.95.Current price is: $114.95.
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  • Black Diamond Storm-R 500 Rechargeable RGB Headlamp (500 Lumens)
    Black Diamond Storm-R 500 Rechargeable RGB Headlamp (500 Lumens)

    Black Diamond Storm-R 500 Rechargeable RGB Headlamp (500 Lumens)

    Sale! Original price was: $149.95.Current price is: $129.95.
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  • Black Diamond Spot-R 400 Rechargeable Headlamp with Red Light (400 Lumens)
    Black Diamond Spot-R 400 Rechargeable Headlamp with Red Light (400 Lumens)

    Black Diamond Spot-R 400 Rechargeable Headlamp with Red Light (400 Lumens)

    Sale! Original price was: $129.95.Current price is: $109.95.
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  • Black Diamond Cosmo 350-R Rechargeable Red/White LED Headlamp - Graphite (350 Lumens)
    Black Diamond Cosmo 350-R Rechargeable Red/White LED Headlamp - Graphite (350 Lumens)

    Black Diamond Cosmo 350-R Rechargeable Red/White LED Headlamp – Graphite (350 Lumens)

    Sale! Original price was: $109.95.Current price is: $99.95.
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  • Ledlenser HF6R Core Rechargeable Headlamp with Red Light Function (800 Lumens, 160 Metres)
    Ledlenser HF6R Core Rechargeable Headlamp with Red Light Function (800 Lumens, 160 Metres)

    Ledlenser HF6R Core Rechargeable Headlamp with Red Light Function (800 Lumens, 160 Metres)

    Sale! Original price was: $149.95.Current price is: $139.95.
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  • Imalent HT50 Rechargeable Dual Light Sources Headlamp  (3000 Lumens)
    Imalent HT50 Rechargeable Dual Light Sources Headlamp  (3000 Lumens)

    Imalent HT50 Rechargeable Dual Light Sources Headlamp (3000 Lumens)

    Sale! Original price was: $144.95.Current price is: $119.95.
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  • Imalent HT70 Rechargeable Triple Light Source Headlamp (3500 Lumens)
    Imalent HT70 Rechargeable Triple Light Source Headlamp (3500 Lumens)

    Imalent HT70 Rechargeable Triple Light Source Headlamp (3500 Lumens)

    Sale! Original price was: $149.95.Current price is: $134.95.
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  • Silva Exceed 4XT Rechargeable Bike Light/Headlamp (2300 Lumen Boost Mode)
    Silva Exceed 4XT Rechargeable Bike Light/Headlamp (2300 Lumen Boost Mode)

    Silva Exceed 4XT Rechargeable Bike Light/Headlamp (2300 Lumen Boost Mode)

    Sale! Original price was: $799.95.Current price is: $398.95.
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  • 13% OFF
    Silva Scout 3X Lightweight Headlamp with Red Light (300 Lumens, 3AAA)
    Silva Scout 3X Lightweight Headlamp with Red Light (300 Lumens, 3AAA)

    Silva Scout 3X Lightweight Headlamp with Red Light (300 Lumens, 3AAA)

    Sale! Original price was: $79.95.Current price is: $69.95.
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  • 24% OFF
    ThruNite TH30 V2 Rechargeable Headlamp/Handheld (3320 Lumens, 170 Metres)
    ThruNite TH30 V2 Rechargeable Headlamp/Handheld (3320 Lumens, 170 Metres)

    ThruNite TH30 V2 Rechargeable Headlamp/Handheld (3320 Lumens, 170 Metres)

    Sale! Original price was: $164.95.Current price is: $124.95.
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  • Ledlenser HF6R Signature Rechargeable RGB Headlamp (1000 Lumens, 170 Metres
    Ledlenser HF6R Signature Rechargeable RGB Headlamp (1000 Lumens, 170 Metres

    Ledlenser HF6R Signature Rechargeable RGB Headlamp (1000 Lumens, 170 Metres

    Sale! Original price was: $199.95.Current price is: $189.95.
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  • Ledlenser HF8R Signature Rechargeable RGB Headlamp (2000 Lumens, 220 Metres)
    Ledlenser HF8R Signature Rechargeable RGB Headlamp (2000 Lumens, 220 Metres)

    Ledlenser HF8R Signature Rechargeable RGB Headlamp (2000 Lumens, 220 Metres)

    Sale! Original price was: $349.95.Current price is: $339.95.
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  • SPERAS B7 Lightweight Dual-Fuel Headlamp with Red Light (600 Lumens, 92 Metres)
    SPERAS B7 Lightweight Dual-Fuel Headlamp with Red Light (600 Lumens, 92 Metres)

    SPERAS B7 Lightweight Dual-Fuel Headlamp with Red Light (600 Lumens, 92 Metres)

    Sale! Original price was: $54.95.Current price is: $44.95.
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  • SPERAS B47L-1 Lightweight Rechargeable Smart Sensor Running Headlamp (500 Lumens, 119 Metres)
    SPERAS B47L-1 Lightweight Rechargeable Smart Sensor Running Headlamp (500 Lumens, 119 Metres)

    SPERAS B47L-1 Lightweight Rechargeable Smart Sensor Running Headlamp (500 Lumens, 119 Metres)

    Sale! Original price was: $49.95.Current price is: $39.95.
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  • AceBeam H30 Rechargeable Red/Green/White Headlamp (4000 Lumens, 171 Metres)
    AceBeam H30 Rechargeable Red/Green/White Headlamp (4000 Lumens, 171 Metres)

    AceBeam H30 Rechargeable Red/Green/White Headlamp (4000 Lumens, 171 Metres)

    Sale! Original price was: $239.95.Current price is: $174.95.
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  • AceBeam H15 2.0 Rechargeable Headlamp/Flashlight with Red Light (2800 Lumens, 220 Metres)
    AceBeam H15 2.0 Rechargeable Headlamp/Flashlight with Red Light (2800 Lumens, 220 Metres)

    AceBeam H15 2.0 Rechargeable Headlamp/Flashlight with Red Light (2800 Lumens, 220 Metres)

    Sale! Original price was: $159.95.Current price is: $149.95.
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  • AceBeam H50 2.0 High Performance Rechargeable Spot/Flood High CRI Headlamp (2000 Lumens, 141 Metres)
    AceBeam H50 2.0 High Performance Rechargeable Spot/Flood High CRI Headlamp (2000 Lumens, 141 Metres)

    AceBeam H50 2.0 High Performance Rechargeable Spot/Flood High CRI Headlamp (2000 Lumens, 141 Metres)

    Sale! Original price was: $134.95.Current price is: $114.95.
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  • 29% OFF
    Black Diamond Onsight 375 Headlamp - 3AAA (375 Lumens)
    Black Diamond Onsight 375 Headlamp - 3AAA (375 Lumens)

    Black Diamond Onsight 375 Headlamp – 3AAA (375 Lumens)

    Sale! Original price was: $139.95.Current price is: $98.95.
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  • Black Diamond Wiz 2AAA Headlamp
    Black Diamond Wiz 2AAA Headlamp

    Black Diamond Wiz 2AAA Headlamp

    Sale! Original price was: $54.95.Current price is: $47.95.
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  • Pelican 2765 Intrinsically Safe LED Headlamp -Yellow, 155 Lumens, 3AAA
    Pelican 2765 Intrinsically Safe LED Headlamp -Yellow, 155 Lumens, 3AAA

    Pelican 2765 Intrinsically Safe LED Headlamp -Yellow, 155 Lumens, 3AAA

    Sale! Original price was: $99.95.Current price is: $89.95.
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  • Nextorch MAX STAR Rechargeable Headlamp (1200 Lumens, 200 Metres)
    Nextorch MAX STAR Rechargeable Headlamp (1200 Lumens, 200 Metres)

    Nextorch MAX STAR Rechargeable Headlamp (1200 Lumens, 200 Metres)

    Sale! Original price was: $139.95.Current price is: $119.95.
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Buying a quality head torch is essential if you want to have a reliable and efficient source of illumination for your outdoor activities. Here are some reasons why it’s worth investing in a good head torch:

  1. Brightness: A high-quality head torch will provide brighter and clearer illumination, allowing you to see better and further in the dark.

  2. Durability: Quality head torches are built to last and can withstand harsh weather conditions, impacts, and rough handling.

  3. Comfort: A well-designed head torch will fit comfortably on your head and won’t cause discomfort or irritation, even during long periods of use.

  4. Battery life: High-quality head torches often have longer battery life and offer more efficient power consumption than cheaper models.

  5. Features: Premium head torches may offer added features such as adjustable beam angles, multiple lighting modes, and rechargeable options.

Overall, investing in a quality head torch will ensure that you have a reliable and efficient source of illumination to help you navigate safely and confidently in low-light or nighttime conditions.

Quality head torches are commonly used by individuals who engage in outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, climbing, fishing, hunting, and running. They are also used by professionals such as coal miners, cavers, rescue workers, and military personnel who require high-quality lighting for their work. People who enjoy DIY projects, mechanics, and those who work in low-light or nighttime conditions may also use quality head torches to improve visibility and safety. Essentially, anyone who needs a reliable, hands-free source of illumination in low-light or no-light environments can benefit from using a quality head torch.

LED headlamps, or head torches, have a range of uses and applications. Here are some of the most common main uses for an LED headlamp:

  1. Outdoor activities: LED headlamps are ideal for outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, fishing, and hunting. They provide hands-free lighting and allow you to navigate in low-light or nighttime conditions.

  2. Running or Jogging: LED headlamps can be worn while running or jogging to improve visibility and safety in low-light conditions.

  3. DIY Projects: LED headlamps provide focused illumination to help you work on DIY projects with greater precision and accuracy.

  4. Home Emergencies: LED headlamps can be used during power outages or other home emergencies to provide reliable lighting without the need for electricity.

  5. Professional Applications: LED headlamps are also used by professionals such as coal miners, cavers, rescue workers, and military personnel who require hands-free lighting for their work.

Overall, LED headlamps are versatile and useful tools that offer convenient and reliable lighting in a variety of situations.